Dataset Information

Title: LSMEM/AMSR-E/Aqua Soil Moisture Daily Level-3 0.25-degree
ProcessingCenter: Princeton University
ContactPersonName: Eric Wood, Ming Pan
ContactPersonRole: Data Producer
ContactPersonEmail: ,
ContactPersonAddress: Dept CEE, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544
Source: Input from NSIDC AMSR-E/Aqua Daily Global Quarter-Degree Gridded Brightness Temperatures
ProductReference: Pan, M., A. K. Sahoo, and E. F. Wood, 2014: Improving soil moisture retrievals from a physically-based radiative transfer model. Remote Sens. Env., 140, 130-140, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2013.08.020.
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/MEASURES/WATERCYCLE/DATA313
ShortName: WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025
ProcessingDate: 2015-10-20
VersionID: 001
Conventions: CF-1.0
LocalGranuleID: WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025_L3_V001_20021114T00Z.nc4
Format: NETCDF4
RangeBeginningDate: 2002-11-14
RangeBeginningTime: 00:00:00
RangeEndingDate: 2002-11-14
RangeEndingTime: 23:59:59
NorthBoundingCoordinate: 90
SouthBoundingCoordinate: -90
WestBoundingCoordinate: -180
EastBoundingCoordinate: 180
LatitudeResolution: 0.25
LongitudeResolution: 0.25
NCO: 4.0.9
history: Wed Nov 4 11:46:39 2015: ncatted -a standard_name,,d,, /home/stream3/hires/measures/data/WC_LSMEM_SM_025/2002/200211/WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025_L3_V001_20021114T00Z.nc4 Wed Nov 4 11:46:39 2015: ncatted -a units,^time,m,c,days since 2002-11-14 /home/stream3/hires/measures/data/WC_LSMEM_SM_025/2002/200211/WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025_L3_V001_20021114T00Z.nc4 Wed Nov 4 11:37:47 2015: ncatted -a standard_name,,m,c,soil_moisture_content /home/stream3/hires/measures/data/WC_LSMEM_SM_025/2002/200211/WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025_L3_V001_20021114T00Z.nc4 Wed Nov 4 11:37:47 2015: ncatted -a units,^time,m,c,days since 2002-11-14 /home/stream3/hires/measures/data/WC_LSMEM_SM_025/2002/200211/WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025_L3_V001_20021114T00Z.nc4 Wed Nov 4 11:02:18 2015: ncatted -a standard_name,,m,c,soil_moisture_content_at_ground_level /home/stream3/hires/measures/DATA4NASA/WC_LSMEM_SM_025//WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025_L3_V001_20021114T00Z.nc4 Wed Nov 4 11:02:18 2015: ncatted -a units,^time,m,c,Days since 2002-11-14 /home/stream3/hires/measures/DATA4NASA/WC_LSMEM_SM_025//WC_LSMEM_SOILM_025_L3_V001_20021114T00Z.nc4
Unlimited_Dimension: time

Variables in this Dataset

sma: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..0][lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
_FillValue: -999000000.0
units: percent
long_name: Volumetric Soil Moisture Content at Surface, AMSR-E/Aqua Ascending Overpass
origname: sma
fullnamepath: /sma
smd: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..0][lat = 0..719][lon = 0..1439]
_FillValue: -999000000.0
units: percent
long_name: Volumetric Soil Moisture Content at Surface, AMSR-E/Aqua Descending Overpass
origname: smd
fullnamepath: /smd
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..719]
units: degrees_north
long_name: Latitude
origname: lat
fullnamepath: /lat
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..1439]
units: degrees_east
long_name: Longitude
origname: lon
fullnamepath: /lon
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
long_name: Time
units: days since 2002-11-14
origname: time
fullnamepath: /time