Attributes { HDF5_GLOBAL { String ShortName "GPCPMON"; String LongName "GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Monthly 0.5-Degree V3.1"; String VersionID "3.1"; String GranuleID "GPCPMON_L3_198607_V3.1.nc4"; String Format "NetCDF-4"; String RangeBeginningDate "1986-07-01"; String RangeBeginningTime "00:00:00.000000"; String RangeEndingDate "1986-07-31"; String RangeEndingTime "23:59:59.999999"; String ProductionDateTime "2020-06-26T03:09:00Z"; String Conventions "CF-1.5"; Float32 NorthernmostLatitude 90.00000000; Float32 SouthernmostLatitude -90.00000000; Float32 WesternmostLongitude -180.0000000; Float32 EasternmostLongitude 180.0000000; Float32 LatitudeResolution 0.5000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 0.5000000000; String Entry_ID "GPCPMON_3.1"; String Entry_Title "GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Monthly 0.5-Degree V3.1 (GPCPMON) at GES DISC"; String Title "GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Monthly 0.5-Degree V3.1"; String Science_Keywords "EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > PRECIPITATION > PRECIPITATION RATE"; String ISO_Topic_Category "Climatology/Meteorology/Atmosphere"; String Data_Center_ShortName "NASA/GSFC/SED/ESD/GCDC/GESDISC"; String Data_Center_LongName "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center formerly Goddard DAAC),Global Change Data Center, Earth Sciences Division,Science and Exploration Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center,NASA"; String Data_Center_URL ""; String Data_Center_Role "DATA CENTER CONTACT"; String Data_Center_Last_Name "GES DISC help Desk Support Group"; String Data_Center_Email ""; String Data_Center_Phone "301-614-5224"; String Data_Center_Fax "301-614-5268"; String Data_Center_Address "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center, Code 610.2, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, USA"; String Data_Set_Progress "Stable Version"; String DataSetQuality "A rudimentary estimate of the quality of the precipitation estimates is provided in the combined satellite-gauge precipitation random error field. The method used to estimate the random error is based on the technique described in Huffman (1997). In general, estimating meaningful error is a difficult prospect and is currently the subject of intensive research. Since inception, the GPCP has strived to maintain CDR standards in all its data sets, despite not officially being a CDR. Homogeneity in the record takes precedence over instantaneous accuracy. Over the long-term, GPCP represents the current state of the art. GPCP estimates are most accurate in the tropics, and less so in the subtropics and mid-latitudes. Above 58N and below 58S, the estimates are more approximate. High-quality gauge analyses are incorporated to vastly improve the estimates over land. Note that the land estimates are of lesser quality in the more challenging regions such as complex terrain and snow and ice covered surfaces. The GPCP estimates are most appropriate for studies where a long record is necessary, but less useful for short-interval studies and the examination of extremes."; String Summary "The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) is the precipitation component of an internationally coordinated set of (mainly) satellite-based global products dealing with the Earth's water and energy cycles, under the auspices of the Global Water and Energy Experiment (GEWEX) Data and Assessment Panel (GDAP) of the World Climate Research Program. As the follow on to the GPCP Version 2.X products, GPCP Version 3 (GPCP V3.1) seeks to continue the long, homogeneous precipitation record using modern merging techniques and input data sets. The GPCPV3 suite currently consists the 0.5-degree monthly. Follow-on products may be added, which consist of (1) 0.5-degree pentad, (2) 0.5-degree daily, and (3) 0.1-degree 3-hourly. All GPCPV3 products will be internally consistent. The monthly product spans 1983 - 2018. Inputs consist of the GPROF SSMI/SSMIS orbit files that are used to calibrate the PERSIANN-CDR IR-based precipitation in the span 60NS. The GPROF-adjusted PERSIANN-CDR IR estimates are then climatologically adjusted to the blended TCC/MCTG. Outside of 58NS, TOVS/AIRS estimates, adjusted climatologically to the MCTG, are used. The PERSIANN-CDR / TOVS/AIRS estimates are then merged in the region 35NS-58NS, which are then merged with GPCC gauge analyses over land to obtain the final product. In addition to the final precipitation field, ancillary precipitation and error estimates are provided."; String Validation_Data "Validation of the GPCPV3 data sets is currently in process. Previous validation efforts for GPCPV2.2 included comparisons with high-density rain gauge data sets (not part of the GPCC gauge analysis) and PACRAIN atoll gauges."; String Source "The input satellite data sources can be found in the satellite source index field. Note that gauge analyses are always included over land."; String MapProjection "Cylindrical Equidistant"; String Dataset_Creator "George J. Huffman and David T. Bolvin"; String Dataset_Title "GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Monthly 0.5-Degree V3.1"; String Dataset_Series_Name "GPCPMON"; String Dataset_Release_Date "2019-03-08"; String Dataset_Release_Place "Greenbelt,MD,USA"; String Dataset_Publisher "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)"; String IdentifierProductDOI "10.5067/DBVUO4KQHXTK"; String Data_Presentation_Form "Digital Science Data"; String RelatedURL ""; String References "Data set references will be provided"; String Role "INVESTIGATOR"; String First_Name "George"; String Last_Name "Huffman"; String Phone "301-614-6308"; String FAX "301-614-5492"; String Email ""; String Contact_Address "Mesoscale Atmospheric Proccesses Laboratory, Code 612.0, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center"; String City "Greenbelt"; String Provence_or_State "MD"; String Postal_Code "20771"; String Country "USA"; String Use_Constraints "This data set is not yet fully validated. Before using it in any publication please contact George Huffman, email:, for current known problems and updates."; String Distribution_Media "Online Archive"; String Distribution_Size "Approximately 7 MB per file"; String Distribution_Format "NetCDF-4"; String IdentifierProductDOIAuthority ""; String Fees "None"; String ProcessingLevel "Level 3"; String Institution "Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory, NASA GSFC"; } satellite_precip { String units "mm/day"; String long_name "multisatellite precipitation"; Float32 _FillValue -99999.00000; Float32 valid_range 0.000000000, 100.0000000; String cell_methods "time: mean"; String origname "satellite_precip"; String fullnamepath "/satellite_precip"; } sat_gauge_precip { String units "mm/day"; String long_name "combined satellite-gauge precipitation"; Float32 _FillValue -99999.00000; Float32 valid_range 0.000000000, 100.0000000; String cell_methods "time: mean"; String origname "sat_gauge_precip"; String fullnamepath "/sat_gauge_precip"; } sat_gauge_error { String units "mm/day"; String long_name "combined satellite-gauge precipitation random error"; Float32 _FillValue -99999.00000; Float32 valid_range 0.000000000, 100.0000000; String cell_methods "time: mean"; String origname "sat_gauge_error"; String fullnamepath "/sat_gauge_error"; } gauge_precip { String units "mm/day"; String long_name "wind-loss adjusted gauge precipitation"; Float32 _FillValue -99999.00000; Float32 valid_range 0.000000000, 100.0000000; String cell_methods "time: mean"; String origname "gauge_precip"; String fullnamepath "/gauge_precip"; } probability_liquid_precip { String units "percent"; String long_name "probability of liquid precipitation"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String cell_methods "time: mean"; String origname "probability_liquid_precip"; String fullnamepath "/probability_liquid_precip"; } quality_index { String units "1"; String long_name "quality index"; Float32 _FillValue -99999.00000; Float32 valid_range 0.000000000, 700.0000000; String cell_methods "time: mean"; String origname "quality_index"; String fullnamepath "/quality_index"; } time_bnds { String long_name "time bounds"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/time_bnds"; } gauge_relative_weight { String units "percent"; String long_name "gauge relative weighting"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; Int16 valid_range 0, 100; String cell_methods "time: mean"; String origname "gauge_relative_weight"; String fullnamepath "/gauge_relative_weight"; } satellite_source { String units "index value"; String long_name "satellite source index"; Int16 _FillValue -9999; Int16 valid_range 0, 4; String cell_methods "time: mean"; Int16 flag_values 0, 2, 4; String flag_meanings "IR IR_AIRS_blend AIRS"; String origname "satellite_source"; String fullnamepath "/satellite_source"; } lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String description "Center latitude"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/lat"; } lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String description "Center longitude"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/lon"; } time { String long_name "Time"; String units "minutes since 1979-01-01 00:00:00"; String description "Observation Time"; String time_increment "one month"; String begin_date "19860701"; String begin_time "000000"; String end_date "19860731"; String end_time "235959"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/time"; } }