Dataset Information

ShortName: GPCPDAY
LongName: GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Daily 0.5-Degree V3.1
VersionID: 3.1
GranuleID: GPCPDAY_L3_20160102_V3.1.nc4
Format: NetCDF-4
RangeBeginningDate: 2016-01-02
RangeBeginningTime: 00:00:00.000000
RangeEndingDate: 2016-01-02
RangeEndingTime: 23:59:59.999999
ProductionDateTime: 2021-06-29T21:19:00Z
Conventions: CF-1.5
NorthernmostLatitude: 90.00000000
SouthernmostLatitude: -90.00000000
WesternmostLongitude: -180.0000000
EasternmostLongitude: 180.0000000
LatitudeResolution: 0.5000000000
LongitudeResolution: 0.5000000000
Entry_ID: GPCPDAY_3.1
Entry_Title: GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Daily 0.5-Degree V3.1 (GPCPDAY) at GES DISC
title: GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Daily 0.5-Degree V3.1
ISO_Topic_Category: Climatology/Meteorology/Atmosphere
Data_Center_LongName: Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center formerly Goddard DAAC),Global Change Data Center, Earth Sciences Division, Science and Exploration Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA
Data_Center_Last_Name: GES DISC help Desk Support Group
Data_Center_Phone: 301-614-5224
Data_Center_Fax: 301-614-5268
Data_Center_Address: Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center, Code 610.2, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, USA
Data_Set_Progress: Stable Version
DataSetQuality: Gridbox-by-gridbox estimates of random error are under development. A current scheme does not exist for a similar estimate of bias. However, the Monthly GPCP Satellite-Gauge estimates are constructed using calibration to state-of-the-art climatologies. Validation studies are being undertaken where sufficient data exist, mostly over land, with some coverage in tropical ocean regions.
Summary: The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) is the precipitation component of an internationally coordinated set of (mainly) satellite-based global products dealing with the Earth's water and energy cycles, under the auspices of the Global Water and Energy Exchange (GEWEX) Data and Assessment Panel (GDAP) of the World Climate Research Program. As the follow on to the GPCP Version 1.3 One Degree Daily product, GPCP Version 3 (GPCP V3.1) seeks to continue the long, homogeneous precipitation record using modern merging techniques and input data sets. The GPCPV3 suite currently consists of the 0.5-degree Monthly and 0.5-degree Daily. Additional products may be added, which consist of (1) 0.5-degree pentad and (2) 0.1-degree 3-hourly. All GPCPV3 products will be internally consistent. The Daily product spans June 2000-December 2019. Inputs consist of GPM IMERG in the span 55\302\260N-S, and TOVS/AIRS estimates, adjusted climatologically to IMERG, outside 55\302\260N-S. The Daily estimates are scaled to approximately sum to the Monthly value at each 0.5\302\260 grid box. In addition to the final precipitation field, probability of liquid precipitation estimates are provided globally.
Validation_Data: Validation of the GPCPV3 data sets is currently in process. Previous validation efforts for GPCPV2.2 included comparisons with high-density rain gauge data sets (not part of the GPCC gauge analysis) and PACRAIN atoll gauges.
history: 2021-06-29T21:19:00Z: Original file created
source: The GPM IMERG V06B Final, TOVS, and AIRS V6 IR-only L2G daily estimates and GPCP V3.1 Monthly estimates all enter the analysis as pre-computed precipitation fields. See the ATBD for more information.
MapProjection: Cylindrical Equidistant
Dataset_Creator: George J. Huffman, Eric J. Nelkin, and David T. Bolvin
Dataset_Title: GPCP Precipitation Level 3 Daily 0.5-Degree V3.1
Dataset_Series_Name: GPCPDAY
Dataset_Release_Date: 2021-06-09
Dataset_Release_Place: Greenbelt,MD,USA
Dataset_Publisher: Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)
IdentifierProductDOI: 10.5067/MEASURES/GPCP/DATA303
Data_Presentation_Form: Digital Science Data
references: Data set references will be provided
First_Name: George
Last_Name: Huffman
Phone: 301-614-6308
FAX: 301-614-5492
Contact_Address: Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory, Code 612.0, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
City: Greenbelt
Province_or_State: MD
Postal_Code: 20771
Country: USA
Use_Constraints: This data set is not yet fully validated. Before using it in any publication please contact George Huffman, email:, for current known problems and updates.
Distribution_Media: Online Archive
Distribution_Size: Approximately 1.6 MB per file
Distribution_Format: NetCDF-4
Fees: None
ProcessingLevel: Level 3
institution: Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory, NASA GSFC
comment: The GPCP V3.1 Daily is being developed in the NASA MEaSUREs (NNH17ZDA001N-MEASURES) project High Latitude Improvement of Long-term GPCP Precipitation Products Using Recent NASA Missions (PI: Ali Behrangi).

Variables in this Dataset

precip: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..0][lat = 0..359][lon = 0..719]
units: mm/day
long_name: precipitation
_FillValue: -99999.00000
valid_range: 0.000000000, 500.0000000
cell_methods: time: mean
origname: precip
fullnamepath: /precip
probability_liquid_precip: Array of 16 bit Integers [time = 0..0][lat = 0..359][lon = 0..719]
units: percent
long_name: probability of liquid precipitation
_FillValue: -9999
valid_range: 0, 100
cell_methods: time: mean
origname: probability_liquid_precip
fullnamepath: /probability_liquid_precip
time_bnds: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0][bnds = 0..1]
long_name: time bounds
origname: time_bnds
fullnamepath: /time_bnds
bnds: Array of 32 bit Reals [bnds = 0..1]
lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [lat = 0..359]
long_name: Latitude
units: degrees_north
description: Center latitude
origname: lat
fullnamepath: /lat
lon: Array of 32 bit Reals [lon = 0..719]
long_name: Longitude
units: degrees_east
description: Center longitude
origname: lon
fullnamepath: /lon
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
long_name: Time
units: minutes since 1979-01-01 00:00:00
description: Observation Time
time_increment: one day
begin_date: 20160102
begin_time: 000000
end_date: 20160102
end_time: 235959
bounds: time_bnds
calendar: standard
origname: time
fullnamepath: /time